Destiny Lalane

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8 Books to Read this Summer

Summertime and the livin's easy.

Just kidding! It's summertime and you know what that means. Beautiful sunny days spent on the beach or the lake cuddled up with the books you've been meaning to read since Christmas.

Although summer is just getting started, I've cranked through quite a few great reads that I have to share with you. If you're interested in living a better life, being an entrepreneur or becoming a better marketer, these books are for you!


Book 001: Social PR Secrets: How to Optimize, Socialize, and Publicize Your Brand

Social PR Secrets was written by an incredibly talented publicist named Lisa Buyer. If you’re looking to implement a PR strategy that works in 2018, you have to check this book out.

After reading Social PR Secrets, I implemented a few strategies and landed a full feature on a major website. I was also quoted on two other websites relevant to my industry.

Whether you're a business owner looking to get mentioned in the media or work in the industry and want to get your clients to get more attention from the press, this is a must-read.

I highly recommend taking notes with clear action items while reading this one. Start reading Social PR Secrets now and let me know what you think once you're finished!


Book 002: Workforce Survival Guide

Workforce Survival Guide is a book on thriving, not just surviving in today’s competitive workforce. In this book, I share with you the tools, resources, and strategies that allowed me to grow within an industry that I love while growing my salary and network too.

When it comes to finding a job you love, landing an interview, getting an offer and negotiating a salary, there are so many details that are oftentimes overlooked.

I compiled all of the questions I get asked the most about professional development and job searching all in one place

Start reading my Workforce Survival Guide today. 


Book 003: No B.S. Wealth Attraction

No B.S. Wealth Attraction is the #1 book I recommend to friends, especially entrepreneurs lately. Written by Dan Kennedy, aka a badass direct response marketer, this book dives into the uncomfortable topic of mone.

Whether you're a full-time employee or freelancers, if you’re struggling with money mindset, read this.

Start reading No B.S. Wealth Attraction In The New Economy today.

Book 004: The More of Less

The More of Less was written by a blogger named Joshua Becker. I discovered his work back in 2012, two years before moving to New York City.

Joshua's blog Becoming Minimalist helped me declutter my home and reshape the way I spend money and welcome 'things' into my home.

If you struggle with clutter, this book will change your life and how you look at material possessions.

Start reading The More of Less now.


Book 005: Ogilvy on Advertising

Written by legendary marketer David Ogilvy, this book covers a wide range of topics from getting your first job in advertising, selecting an agency to promote your product, copywriting tips and audience research tips.

I'm currently read this one, so I don't have too much to say on this besides that I am enjoying my read and you should check it out too.

Start reading Ogilvy on Advertising today.


Book 006: The Adweek Copywriting Handbook

When people ask me how to become a better copywriter, this is the book I direct them to. Don't just read this book, but apply what you learn every single day and you'll start to notice your writing develop.

Start reading The Adweek Copywriting Handbook today.


Book 007: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Time management and putting yourself first are two of the hardest things to do.

This book is a great read for anyone who struggles with being productive and putting up boundaries around how they spend their time. If you struggle with prioritizing yourself and following through on projects, read this book. 

Start reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People now.


Book 008: Principles: Life and Work

Written by one of the most successful investors in the world, Ray Dalio shares the principals of life that he used to find success over the last forty years. As the title suggests, this book is filled with nuggets on business and life, so don't think that this book is just for entrepreneurs

Start reading Principles: Life and Work now.


Recommend your favorite reads below!

A list of the top books you should read this summer.